The Aviation News. Service of on flight routes Jakarta-Yogyakarta has been officially opened Mandala Airlines. Accordance schedule, flight routes Jakarta-Yogyakarta is serviced by Mandala Airlines's plane every day. Routes this has the the potential for makin improve the tourism visits on both cities.
Mandala Airlines. AeroTourismNews | Mandala Airlines opens flight routes Jakarta-Yogyakarta. |
Mandala Airlines to open
flight routes Jakarta-Yogyakarta to improve its network in the tourism area. President Director of Mandala Airlines, Paul Rombeek, explained that the opening of the flight routes Jakarta-Yogyakarta to meet the needs of domestic and international tourists in Yogyakarta. "We are excited about the opening of this new route. Opening of this new route is one important step in the strategic expansion of Mandala Airlines in Indonesia," he said in a press release on Friday, May 17, 2013.
Paul Rombeek considered that the opening of
the flight to Yogyakarta is very potential because the number of tourists in Yogyakarta reached 1,881,911 people in 2012, up 5% compared to the year 2011. According to him, with the addition of daily flights on the Jakarta-Yogyakarta route it will add six other flight services, namely Jakarta, Denpasar, Pekanbaru, Medan, Padang and Surabaya, and three international destinations to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
Mandala Airlines currently operates seven new aircraft of the type Airbus A320 serving 43 flights per day.
Paul Rombeek said that one of the ways used by Mandala Airlines to attract the attention of potential passengers is to provide interaction services through social media and give them a souvenir to mark appreciation for passengers.
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