Tuesday, April 16, 2013

: Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 - 2:14 AM

Aviation News. Government of Timor-Leste are interested to open a direct flight on the route Makassar-Dili. The desire was conveyed by Foreign Minister of Timor Leste during a visit to South Sulawesi province, Indonesia, within the framework of exploratory trade cooperation with the local government of South Sulawesi. Direct flights Makassar-Dili will facilitate trade relations between East Timor and South Sulawesi.
Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport, Dili, Timor Leste. AeroTourismNews
Government of Timor Leste via the Foreign Minister is ready to invite entrepreneurs to invest in Timor Leste in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. According to the Foreign Minister of Timor Leste, South Sulawesi has tremendous potential to serve as an investment object. This was revealed in a meeting between Minister of Foreign and Affairs Cooperation of Timor Leste, Jose Luis Guterres, and the head of the Department of Trade and Industry of South Sulawesi province, Irman Yasin Limpo, at the Aston Hotel, Makassar, Tuesday, April 9, 2013.

According to Irman, a meeting between the two countries is, in principle, to follow up the results of the meeting between the Governor of South Sulawesi, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, with the Timor Leste Government some time ago. "It was agreed to continue talks on trade of cement, rice, beef, fisheries, and conectivity Dili-Darwin-Makassar," said Irman.

During the meeting, explored the possibility of opening direct flights Makassar-Dili, such as the flights of Makassar-Malaysia and Makassar-Singapore which has been running since a few years ago. Foreign Minister of Timor Leste, Jose Luis Guterres, said that the Government of Timor-Leste sincerely hope the country's economy will grow through eastern Indonesia. "We are exploring direct flight Dili-Makassar. And many more cooperation can arise between South Sulawesi and Timor Leste. And on behalf of Xanana, we invite the Governor of South Sulawesi to be able to visit Dili to discuss the steps the next cooperation, "Jose Luis Guterres.

After the meeting, Irman invite Foreign Minister of Timor Leste and the entourage to see some examples of the work of the perpetrators of Small and Medium Enterprises in South Sulawesi.

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