Saturday, May 4, 2013

: Posted on Saturday, May 4, 2013 - 9:06 PM

The Aviation News. A model of the passenger supersonic jet being tested by NASA. aircraft models with 1.79% scale from its original size and is referred to as the son of Concorde was tested by using a NASA wind tunnel facilities at NASA Glenn Research Center, located in Ohio, USA. In this study were tested on the aircraft's performance against the amount of air flow at supersonic speeds, the level of emissions generated, and to which the noise happens when it reaches speeds that exceeding the speed of sound.
New Concorde Supersonic Jet. AeroTourismNews
NASA began testing models of aircraft "Son of Concorde", which will be passenger aircraft capable of flying beyond the speed of sound. Supersonic aircraft, which has been designed by the Boeing company, is expected to fill the void left by the Concorde, which was retired in November 2003.

Currently, a commercial supersonic aircraft are not allowed to fly because of the noise caused by a sonic boom.

Tests conducted at NASA Glenn Research Center in Ohio trying to determine whether the volume of sonic boom can be reduced. A NASA test photo of taken through a window in the side wall of a supersonic wind tunnel NASA in Cleveland, showed a aircraft model with 1.79 percent scale.

As reported by the Mail Online website, the researchers are testing the performance of air holes located at the top of the model to see whether changes in the amount of air flow at supersonic speeds could affect aircraft performance, emissions, and noise level. This test is part of ongoing research as part of NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate.

This Directorate is looking for ways to make the future supersonic flight, as well as developing a green flight, as well as reducing fuel consumption and emissions.

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